Sunday, February 7, 2010

Birthday Weekend.

Most web enterprises need only a Web connection and a telephone line. Granted, not everybody joins an internet business for the travel liberty. My flatmates were all going home for the weekend and going out in a university city on Fri. or Sat. is way too costly, so I swapped a Saturday of expensive, oversweet cocktails for a four-hour drive. Couple this with storm force winds and relentless rain and I'm sure you can imagine. There I was humming along in my Peugeot 206, blowing from one side of the way to the other and straining my neck as far forward as my collarbone would permit, looking thru the monsoon. I attempted to decelerate, much to the protest of the already grinding snails pace line of vehicles behind me.

I looked in my mirror and saw the man driving the vehicle behind me seemed to be reading a SMS message and not watching my break lights. When I arrived back in Cornwall the rain had stopped. Dragging out all of my bags and shoes from the boot, I thanked the stars I had entirely all-inclusive automobile insurance. France. I prepared my auto into the garage down the line and settled down for a calming weekend at home. It informed me that my automobile insurance had run out one week back after my direct debit did not process due to insufficient funds. Just fortunate it was my birthday I assume, at least now I know what I'll be spending my birthday money on. Opening my desk drawer I spotted a post it note stuck to the interior of a notepad. I understand that for most of the people, the most vital side of internet business is the power to create wealth entrepreneurially, make your own timetable, employ big amounts of automation and be near your family.

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